How to know when you need Business Management software in Australia

The need for Business Management software in Australia has grown significantly over the past five years. In last week’s blog “ERP software in Australia: Do small businesses need it?” we explored what is ERP and what are the benefits for SMEs? And what is the return that small businesses get from their investment into all in one business management software?

Partnering with clients across a broad range of industries, there are some common challenges that arise which highlight the need for ERP software in Australia. The most common sigh that your business needs ERP software in Australia is growth and expansion.

The majority of small businesses start with the basics. This may include a combination of simple accounting software and document-based processes such as spreadsheets or synced documents.

As the business expands and transactions increase, it becomes more time-consuming to process a larger volumes of data. Business processes become much more tedious. This includes tasks like inputting sales and purchase orders, updating inventory, manual stock checks, processing invoices, billing and keeping track of client interactions. Small business stock control becomes increasingly challenging.

This is especially true if this information is stored in separate systems and databases so that data may need to be imported/exported from program to program in the workflow, allowing room for human error.

ERP can automate these manual processes, allocating more company time to focus on the business, instead of on business processes.

Aside from growth and expansion, it may be time for ERP implementation:

  • when the amount of inventory in your warehouse becomes difficult to measure
  • when sales forecast is inaccurate and based mostly on guesswork
  • when the business is struggling to keep up with orders or relies heavily on excel spreadsheets
  • when getting accurate reporting becomes problematic

If you’re business is experiencing any of this then it’s likely that it’s time to find the right ERP software in Australia for your SME business.  Whatever industry you’re in, whether you’re looking for stock management for a hardware store, stock management for landscaping supplies or the best ERP software in Australia, talk to Foresiight about how we can customise a solution for your business.