Simplify Your Stock File Updates
Many industry suppliers are now providing their business customers with monthly or quarterly electronic price file updates and promotions. Manually updating pricing can be laborious and inaccurate, which can lead to selling items below margin or incorrectly quoting customers.
Automate your price updates and stock file changes with Data Import/Export
Using the Data Import/Export module, you can update all relevant information from the spreadsheets or text files provided by your supplier, including cost price changes, with the ability to recalculate sell prices after updating.
Data Import/Export also provides the ability to upload your entire supplier catalogue into a separate lookup catalogue. This allows you to review product pricing for special orders, and transfer a product into your main stock file with a single click when you need to sell or purchase it. Keeping non stocked items contained in a lookup file keeps your stock file clean and simple – if you don’t sell it then you won’t need to browse through it when searching for stock items at the point of sale.
In addition to importing price files from your suppliers, the Data Import/Export module also includes a number of other useful features for importing/exporting data and applying bulk updates to your system.
- Import supplier product catalogues from spreadsheet
- Bulk updates to your Main Stock File and/or Supplier Lookup Catalogues
- Import promotions / catalogue pricing
- Customisable to suit many different file formats
- Bulk update prices (Cost and Sell) by percentage or dollar
- Bulk update selected Product properties from a spreadsheet (e.g. Product Descriptions)
- Export your price file to a spreadsheet file for customers
- Import from a spreadsheet/CSV into a Purchase Order
Call Foresiight on (07) 3356 2772 or email us at for information and pricing on the Data Import/Export module, or to arrange a training session.